Become a member of the Urban League of Greater Cleveland
The Urban League of Greater Cleveland receives support from individuals and corporations in the community through our membership program. Our members are invited to events such as our Annual Equal Opportunity Day Luncheon and Black History Month Celebrations. Platinum Lifetime Members are listed on our website and acknowledged at ULGC events. All membership contributions are 100% tax-deductible.
You can become a member by making a secure online payment through PayPal.
You can also download our printable Membership Form and pay by check or money order.
YES! I want to support the Urban League of Greater Cleveland
Membership Levels 2013
- Platinum Lifetime Membership - $1,000 with $350 annual renewal
This prestigious circle of givers will be honored with their names on a wall at the Urban League affiliate as well as listing on website, a certificate of membership, listing in Annual Meeting and event program publications, Special ULGC commemorative gift, NUL lapel pin, discounts to events, and quarterly newsletter.
- Legacy Circle of Believers (Gold Level) - $500
This giving level supports the building of reserve funds, securing the future of the Urban League Benefits include: Name listed on website; a certificate of membership, listing in Annual Meeting and event program publications, NUL lapel pin, discounts to events, and quarterly newsletter.
- Church/Small Business Memberships (Silver) - $350
This level of membership especially designed for church and small business partners to contribute to the ongoing support of the Urban League mission and helps to secure the general fund of the organization. Individuals contributing at this level will be considered Silver Members. Benefits include: The approval to list the ULGC as a partner in church bulletins, company publications, etc. The ability to schedule two evening or ½ day Saturday meeting per year at the ULGC based on availability, event discounts and quarterly newsletter.
- Circle of Friends (Bronze) - $100
This giving level supports the infrastructure of the Urban League and all of its programs. Benefits include: NUL lapel pin; membership card, member listing, event discounts, and quarterly newsletter
- Individual Member - $35
This giving level supports individual programs. Benefits include: membership card, member listing, UL ink pen/magnet, and quarterly newsletter
- Senior Member - $25
This giving level is for our senior members 60 and over. Benefits include: membership card, member listing and quarterly newsletter
- Student Member - $25
This giving level is for high school and college student. Benefits include: membership card, member listing and quarterly newsletter
All memberships are renewable annually.
Register to become a member